Richard Wilson's blog

richardcameronwilson AT yahoo dot co dot UK

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with 14 comments

enraged or emphatic?

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Written by Richard Wilson

April 1, 2009 at 11:26 am

14 Responses

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  1. FOX news “fair and balanced?” Seems a bit one-sided to me.

    Lenny Horowitz on swine flu. Can you believe he claims to be conducting “clinical trials” of his snake oil in Uganda?? See:

    Sad that this type of stuff is legal, or at least not pursued by the FDA etc…

    Brian Foley

    May 12, 2009 at 7:13 pm

  2. Loved your book and have applied its premise to my blog on marketing.
    The rise in ‘new paradigms and models’ in my industry is worryingly accompanied with a zealots view and an uncritical approach. Regards, AA


    May 29, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    • Hi Andrew – many thanks for that very generous review – I always find it interesting to see which aspects of the book people pick up on, and the extent to which it matches their own experience. You raise some really good points and I will add a post later this weekend linking to your site.

      Richard Wilson

      May 30, 2009 at 9:15 am

  3. Hi Richard – can you contact me about the Trafigura stuff,

    thanks, Rob – 020 33532319

    Robert Booth

    October 13, 2009 at 12:43 pm

  4. Hi Richard – what news from the flashmob. Can you call me?


    Robert Booth

    October 15, 2009 at 4:07 pm

  5. Hi Richard,

    Just a quick note. On Tuesday, I created the @mintonreport account you tweeted on tonight. I got 50+ followers in a few hours after that πŸ™‚

    I decided to delete the account, don’t want things getting to hot on me πŸ™‚

    There’s nothing to read into here πŸ™‚



    October 16, 2009 at 2:10 am

  6. I have been following your campaign re the Trafigura sponsorship of the Young Masters modern art prize and went down to shoreditch today to put my views to the gallery and its promoter. She told me that the artists have turned down the money and the prize. I think is commendable and you should give it maximum publicity and shows the value of the campaign# You need to make the position clear before there is an action based on what appears to be information overtaken by events. Congratulations on taking this up

    I think you should disassociate yourself from those posting on Indymedia with violent threats to attack her property and puerile abuse against her. They are not only wrong they damage the image of campaigning.


    October 18, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    • Thanks for letting me know about the threats – I’ll deal with this now.

      Richard Wilson

      October 18, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    • And I agree that this will be huge victory if it’s confirmed! Maybe they could enter their work in our alternative prize instead?!

      Richard Wilson

      October 18, 2009 at 9:40 pm

  7. Hi Richard. I just read Titanic Express and suffered with you through those tragic events. I wanted to read it as I have a former U student from Burundi who escaped via Tanzania and is now here in Mozambique. You said that “without justice, forgiveness will be impossible….” But Christian forgiveness doesn’t insist on justice, it leaves it to the one who will ultimately judge all men. If we insist on justice, forgiveness will never happen and we will be caught in an unchanging circle of violence. jesus says forgive if you want to be forgiven. It’s the only way we can escape our inner hatred and rage. I appreciated your honesty about all the inner junk that really made you and that make me little different from the perpetrators of the crimes you struggled with in Titanic Express. What will make a difference is forgiving.

    John Lepp

    March 15, 2010 at 9:29 am

    • Hi John – thanks for reading the book and for your comments. I think the really important distinction here is between justice and revenge. Revenge generally means responding to cruelty with more cruelty. Justice means holding people to account for their actions through a fair and open process of law, and where guilt is established imposing an appropriate penalty in order to deter others and prevent further harm. As I mentioned in the book I oppose the death penalty, and I’d add that where possible I believe that penal systems should give prisoners more constructive ways of repaying their debt to society than simply whiling away their life in a prison cell.

      But there is a reason that every functioning free and democratic society in the world operates a system of criminal justice, which involves punishing people when they commit terrible crimes – human nature is imperfect, but human beings also respond to incentives. Societies which impose no penalty on the commission of extremely violent crimes, or do so only very selectively (Burundi arguably belongs in the latter category) tend to experience far more of those sorts of crimes than societies which enforce the rule of law. More insidiously, in societies where extreme brutality is tolerated, violence itself can become a means of self-advancement, with the most brutal and violent elements rising to positions of power and staying there. Again, we see this very clearly in Burundi.

      Lastly, I think that all people with a stake in a situation like Burundi, but perhaps especially Christians, have a duty to avoid succumbing to the political rhetoric of politicians who appropriate the language of forgiveness insincerely, as a means of winning plaudits internationally and evading responsibility for their mistakes and failings. Burundi’s current President came to power speaking often of the need for “forgiveness”, and was internationally feted for it eg: yet under Nkurunziza’s rule violence and brutality have continued, and in some ways the human rights situation is worse now than it was in 2005.

      In most democratic societies, the track record of someone like Nkurunziza (along with many of his henchmen) would have barred them from office – but in Burundi, because of the lack of any judicial screening process, a great many people with blood on their hands continue to hold positions of power, and continue to commit abuses.

      I’ll leave you with a historic quote from a Zimbabwean political leader:

      *If yesterday I fought as an enemy, today you have become a friend and ally with the same national interest, loyalty, rights and duties as myself. If yesterday you hated me, today you cannot avoid the love that binds you to me and me to you.*

      *Is it not folly, therefore, that in these circumstances anybody should seek to revive the wounds and grievances of the past? The wrongs of the past must now stand forgiven and forgotten.* That was from a speech by Robert Mugabe, on April 17th 1980. As with Burundi, the country has been plagued by political violence ever since, fuelled by a culture of impunity.

      Richard Wilson

      March 15, 2010 at 1:18 pm

  8. The funding of the AIDS “documentary” House of Numbers by Duesberg’s denialist organization “Rethinking AIDS” has now come to light:

    “Motion on Funding: Bob Leppo moved that RA board authorize the RA foundation to make grants for a wider range of purposes, including films and video. Seconded by Charles Geshekter. Funding for each project would still have to be approved by a 2/3 majority of the board. Board members involved in a project would recuse themselves from such decisions. Unanimous agreement.
    Roberto Giraldo moved that the RA foundation make grants for Brent Leung’s film based on available funds. Seconded by Christine Maggiore. Unanimous agreement.”

    The organization’s 2006 IRS 990 form lists a $25,000 grant to Brent W. Leung:

    Click to access 2006-311688738-0314e401-F.pdf

    Richard Jefferys

    August 16, 2010 at 5:44 pm

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    Brett Geyer

    April 16, 2020 at 8:39 pm

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